Install Hyper-V & Sandbox on Windows 10/11 Home

hugsy 6 August 2022

Reading time: 1 min

Another lie, probably put in place from MS marketing team to force the hand and make more people purchase Windows 10/11 Professional licenses: Hyper-V and Windows Sandbox can be installed on Windows 10/11 Home Edition, not just Professional/Entreprise. Contrarily to what even Microsoft documentation says, both Hyper-V and Windows Sandbox can be set in a quite simple manner, and just require an admin powershell prompt (note that a reboot will be required):

Get your copy/paste skills ready!

Install Hyper-V on Windows 10/11 Home

Get-ChildItem $env:SystemRoot\Servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum | ForEach-Object { dism -Online -NoRestart -add-package:"$_" }
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -All -Online -LimitAccess -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V

Install Windows Sandbox on Windows 10/11 Home

Get-ChildItem  $env:SystemRoot\Servicing\Packages\*DisposableClientVM*.mum | ForEach-Object { dism -Online -NoRestart -add-package:"$_" }
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature  -All -Online -FeatureName Containers-DisposableClientVM

Another useful miniz! 👋