Fuzzing arbitrary functions in ELF binaries

I decided to give a descent test to the LIEF project. Executable parsers are not a new thing but that one picked my curiosity (just like most Quarkslab projects) because it also provides dead simple instrumentation functions. To top it up, LIEF...

Using new syscalls for read/write arbitrary memory on Linux.

Even though well known methods exist to bypass ptrace deactivation on a process when spawning (fake ptrace() preloading, breakpoint on ptrace(), etc... ), it is trickier when process is already protected. Thankfully Linux 3.2+ was generous enough...

I feel lucky - or why I wrote a FreeBSD 1-day in one day

Sometimes life gives you eggs for free, you just need to spend some time making an omelet. That's exactly what happened to me on a recent engagement for a client: a typical PHP webapp full of holes left me with a nice stable shell access. But at...