Insomni’Hack CTF 2017 offered a series of 3 challenges (i.e. 3 different flags) on the same binary, called bender_safe: bender_safe was a Reversing challenge (50 pts) to discover the correct validati…
TL;DR: It is possible to defeat stack canary protection when a binary is vulnerable to arbitrary file read. Intro First of, Happy New Year 2017 ✌ Recently, I’ve decided to thoroughly investigate the…
The reverse_box challenge of TWCTF 2016 was a warmup challenge (only 50 points), not really hard. There are plenty of writeups for it, but none of them used the technique I used to solve it in only a …
Ruxmon August 2016: Making GDB great again I did a small presentation last Friday at Ruxmon Melbourne about GDB, its Python API and how it can be used to make awesome new stuff. I also gave demos of m…
Info A few weeks ago, I came across a GitHub repository created by @5aelo for people wanting to have a bit of ARM fun. I had recently spent some time adding new features and perfectionning old ones…